Deputation Policy


Best practices in the public sector encourage boards of directors to consider requests for deputations at board meetings on a specific issue. In accordance with these best practices, the Board has developed this policy regarding deputations to its Board meetings. 


This policy provides guidelines to use deputations to inform the Board on a specific issue. 


This policy applies to all requests made to bring a deputation forward to a Board meeting. 


  1. Requests for deputations at Board meetings shall be referred to the Chair for consideration. The Chair shall have the discretion to approve or deny the request for any reason, including but not limited to:
    1. relevance of information to the Board;
    2. Board meeting time availability; and,
    3. presenter's credentials.
  2. A request for a deputation to the Board must be made in writing to the Chair or Secretary at least 10 business days preceding the Board meeting at which the item will be discussed.
  3. A written request for a deputation must describe the nature and purpose of the deputation.
  4. Deputations shall limited to not more than ten (10) minutes. Only one spokesperson may speak on behalf of any group.
  5. Any individual who requires the use of a projector and/or laptop for a digital presentation is required to provide notice to the Chair or Secretary at least 48 hours in advance of the Board meeting.
  6. Following a deputation, Directors will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenter.
  7. The Chair may, in his discretion, terminate the deputation if the presenter or the information being presented is irrelevant, inappropriate, or offensive.
  8. Audio or video recording of the Board meetings or the deputation by the presenter or other invitees is prohibited.

The directors of the Corporation the 15th day of September 2018.